Credit: Rajesh Madao
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About NGO Aid Map

What is the NGO Aid Map?

The InterAction NGO Aid Map highlights the critical work of InterAction Member organizations around the globe and supports InterAction’s advocacy work. Use NGO Aid Map to explore Member organizations’ work, through the stories they tell including story maps, data visualizations, short films, photo essays, program reports, and more. The Map also includes country features, in-depth profiles of the issues InterAction and its Members are working to address, and spotlights on active crises.

What is NGO Aid Map for?

The NGO Aid Map is intended primarily for international NGOs, especially InterAction Member NGOs, whose work around the globe InterAction aims to showcase.

The secondary audience are congressional and executive branch counterparts, who InterAction and its Members engage through ongoing policy advocacy efforts.

The tertiary audience is journalists, academics, and the general public with an interest in the work of international NGOs.

What are Member Updates?

Member Updates (or “Updates”) are the core content of NGO Aid Map and populate the Map itself. They serve to showcase the work of InterAction Member organizations in countries around the globe.

What are the criteria for inclusion of a Member Update on NGO Aid Map?

Updates must highlight an active project, activity, or accomplishment in the field. It could be a brief success story, an impact evaluation, research related to a particular geography, a photo story, or video. Updates must be tied to a particular country, or multiple specific countries, and cannot simply be “worldwide.” Additionally, updates should be dated within the last 12-18 months. The date refers to the date that the information was published (if at all) to the Member's web site.

Which organizations are represented on NGO Aid Map?

InterAction Member organizations may submit Member Updates to the Map. Reach out to InterAction at if you would like to get your organization’s work on the Map.

Where did InterAction source the statistics cited on the NGO Aid Map home page?

InterAction’s Membership and Public Engagement team tracks total membership, which includes not only the number of organizations with InterAction membership but also where those organizations are active and each Member’s annual revenue.

What information is available?

Each Member Update submission includes a title, brief descriptive text, sector or topical tags, a link back to the original item on the submitting organization’s web site, and a photo (if applicable). All current Member Updates can be downloaded in .csv format here:

How often is information updated?

Submissions are ongoing and InterAction reviews and uploads new stories once a month.